

Turning Potential Into Results

Any training solution can be done virtually via GroupMind - Collaboration Tools for Change

Business Skills Training Programs: Training with Traction

  • Focus on Productivity: Managing Self, Others & Time
    You cannot manage time – it just keeps ticking! What you can manage is what you produce in the time you have. Effective people focus on fulfilling commitments and …
  • TeamWork: Leveraging Style & Ambitions
    Teams examine preferences for dealing with problems and change, as well as their preferred communication style. They learn how and when to use their strengths, strategies for communicating effectively with people having different preferences. This program helps managers …
  • Curing the 5 Dysfunctions of Team Workshop
    What would be possible if your team had a higher level of trust, more mastery with conflict, clearer commitments, embraced accountability and focused on results? Based on Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the workshop …
  • Effectively Handling Conflict
    Conflict is the condition in which one person’s concerns – the things they care about – appear to be incompatible with another’s. Effectively dealing with conflict can be anything but simple, and can derail productivity and …
  • TeamWork: Values Matter
    Understanding values is indispensable for any process of development and change. Values are a key source of our direction. Unexplored values, expressed through automatic choices, …

Ready to get started? Contact Camille today!